\title{Call for Papers}
Papers are invited for a {\bf Symposium on Document
Analysis and Information Retrieval} in Las Vegas, Nevada,
on March 16--18th, 1992. The scope of the conference covers
research in systems for automatic retrieval with emphasis
on the retrioeval of information from printed documents.
Specific aspects of such systems include, but are not
limited to, the theory and the practice of:

\leftline{\bf Document Processing}
\bitem Page Processing
\bitem Zoning
\bitem Segmentation
\bitem Character Recognition
\bitem Graphic recognition, maps\slash mechanical

\leftline{\bf Information Retrieval}
\bitem Full text retrieval
\bitem Query optimization
\bitem Expansion\slash compression tools
\bitem Semantic access tools
\bitem Knowledge extraction from text
\bitem Information retrieval and database systems

\noindent Send no less than seven copies of papers to
Kazem Taghva
Dept Elec/Computer Eng
University of Nevada
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA
{\tt eewlb@cs.univ.edu}
\noindent or
Kazem Taghva
Dept Elec/Computer Eng
University of Nevada
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA
{\tt taghva@cs.univ.edu}

Papers should be about 5,000 words long. To promote
cross-fertilization between works in progress, short
synopses of susbtantial projects are also invited. These
should be 1,000--1,500 words. The papers should contain
enough information for the progream committee to
understand the scope of the solution being