{This file is concatenated by ./convert to the beginning of the Pascal
 code that tangle outputs.  The idea is to put all these symbols, which
 can be defined as macros or functions, or as part of standard C, into
 web2c's symbol table, so that we can access them from a change file.
 Some are standard Pascal functions, others are simply used in our

 web2c.yacc can parse these @define statements.}

{The fields in gftodvi's memory_word structure, defined in
 `mfware/memory.h'; `qqqq' is also in TeX and Metafont.}
@define @field qqqq;
@define @field sc;

@define const false;
@define const BIBINPUTPATH;
@define const BIBINPUTPATHBIT;
@define const FILENAMESIZE;
@define const GFFILEPATH;
@define const GFFILEPATHBIT;
@define const MFINPUTPATH;
@define const MFINPUTPATHBIT;
@define const PKFILEPATH;
@define const PKFILEPATHBIT;
@define const stderr;
@define const stdin;
@define const stdout;
@define const TEXINPUTPATH;
@define const TEXINPUTPATHBIT;
@define const TFMFILEPATH;
@define const TFMFILEPATHBIT;
@define const true;
@define const VFFILEPATH;
@define const VFFILEPATHBIT;

@define type real;
@define type integer;
type char = 0..255;
type alphafile = file of char ;
@define type text ;
type boolean = 0..1;
type ccharpointer = ^char ;
@define type memoryword; {for gftodvi, TeX, and Metafont}

@define var argc;
{These two are needed in BibTeX; see bibtex.ch.}
@define var standardinput;
@define var standardoutput;

@define function abs: integer;
@define function fabs: real;
@define function aopenin: boolean;
@define function aopenout: boolean;
@define function chr:char;
@define function eof: boolean;
@define function eoln: boolean;
@define function feof: boolean ;
@define function ftell: integer ;
@define function getc: char;
@define function inputint: integer;
@define function odd:boolean;
@define function ord:integer;
@define function round: integer;
@define function strlen: integer;
@define function strncmp: integer;
@define function testreadaccess: integer;
@define function toint: integer;
@define function trunc: integer;

@define procedure aclose ;
@define procedure argv ;
@define procedure checkedfseek ;
@define procedure dispose ;
@define procedure decr ;
@define procedure errprintpascalstring ;
@define procedure flush ;
@define procedure fprintreal ;
@define procedure incr ;
@define procedure input3ints ;
@define procedure printpascalstring ;
@define procedure printreal;
@define procedure putbyte ;
@define procedure read ;
@define procedure readln ;
@define procedure reset ;
@define procedure rewrite ;
@define procedure setpaths ;
@define procedure uexit ;
@define procedure vgetc ;
@define procedure vstrcpy ;
@define procedure writechunk ;
@define procedure page ;