/* This file is part of dvi2bitmap; see README for copyrights and licence */


 * Expresses a verbosity level.  Several classes report a different
 * level of detail depending on the value of some internal verbosity
 * variable, usually set with a function such as {@link
 * DviFile#verbosity}.
 * <p>The initial value of this is always <code>normal</code>.  The
 * value <code>everything</code> is the highest level (but not
 * <em>necessarily</em> higher than <code>debug</code>; the value
 * <code>silent</code> causes the class to produce no output at all.
 * <p>The values are ordered, so that 
 * <pre>
 *   enum verbosities verbosity_;
 *   ...
 *   if (verbosity_ > normal) {
 *     // chatter
 *   }
 * </pre>
 * is a good way of testing whether the verbosity level is above normal.
enum verbosities { silent, quiet, normal, debug, everything };
// leave `everything' as the last in this enum
