DVItoLN03                       Version 4.1                   1st October 1991
=========                       ===========                   ================

Changes in the V4.1 release are the introduction of two new qualifiers:
   /[NO]VERBOSE - the default for this may be set up at a site as either state;
                  with /NOVERBOSE, most terminal output is suppressed, apart 
		  from the name of the input file, the total bytes of down-
		  loaded fonts, and progress indication as each page is output.
   /PAPER_SIZE  - the default for this should reflect the setting of the paper
                  size selection switch on the rear of the machine.  The program
		  requires knowledge of the physical paper size to handle pages
		  which mix landscape and portrait orientation material.

This distribution contains the following files:

00README.TXT         -   the file you are reading

Files for building the program:
DVITOLN03.CH         -   a change file for DVItoLN03, for revising V4.0 of the
                         Web to V4.1
DVITOLN03.CLD        -   VMS command language definition for the DVILN03 command
DVITOLN03.EXE        -   a ``load-and-go'' executable, for VMS V5.4-2
DVITOLN03.OBJ        -   object code, for linking uder different versions of VMS
DVITOLN03.WEB        -   the WEB source of DVItoLN03 (V4.0)

Files for generating the documentation:
CHANGEBAR.STY        -   for those without this: style option for changes
DVILN03.HLP          -   on-line (DCL) help for DVItoLN03
DVILN03.LN3_PUBLISH  -   file ready to be COPYed to your LN03
DVILN03.TEX_PUBLISH  -   the ``local guide'' for DVItoLN03 (in LaTeX)
LOCAL_GUIDES.BIB     -   a BibTeX database used at RMCS --- needs BibTeX V0.99c
GRAPHICS.STY         -   a local LaTeX style file for graphics inserts
OPENCLOSE.SIX        -   a Sixel dump of the screen of a terminal, scaled 2:1
OPENCLOSE.SMALL      -   the same dump, but scaled 1:1
TEXPRINT.COM         -   command procedure implementing the TEXPrint command
(Note that LOCAL.MF is no longer included; better collections of mode_defs have
been published, and are available from good archives everywhere.)

DVILN03.HLP is a standard (DCL) help file, for inclusion in SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB
or your local specialized help library. 

*  This bit is IMPORTANT: many of the reports that the author receives that    *
*  ``DVItoLN03 doesn't work properly'' are because the sites have not set up   *
*  the LN03 device correctly.  The only place this is specified is in the user *
*  manual, and if your printer isn't already set up correctly, it won't PRINT  *
*  unless you send it with PRINT/PASSALL.  And even then, it won't come out    *
*  correctly if the DIPswitch on the printer is set to AutoWrap!               *
You should produce a copy of our local guide. If your LN03 is not spooled, then
simply COPY the file DVILN03.LN3_PUBLISH directly to YOUR LN03.  Please note
that this file includes LOTS of eight-bit characters, so you may need to fetch
it again in binary mode if your FTP connection has stripped off the 8th bit.  If
your LN03 is set up as a printer queue (as the local guide recommends), the
safest bet is to PRINT it /PASSALL until you've found out how to set up the
queue compatibly; one important caveat is that the terminal line MUST be set up
/NOWRAP (see the local guide).

Everything is explained, I hope, in the local guide.  As supplied,
DVILN03.TEX_PUBLISH assumes that you have a working copy of the previous version
(V3.1-1 or later) of DVItoLN03, but it does not use any of the special
facilities provided by this new release.

If you are currently using a different driver, you will have to modify the line
at the start of DVILN03.TEX_PUBLISH that reads
> \let\iffulldoc=\iftrue  %%% Change to \iffalse if you don't have DVItoLN03
to say instead
> \let\iffulldoc=\iffalse %%% Change to \iffalse if you don't have DVItoLN03
and then LaTeX it and pass through your existing driver.

The guide should be edited to suit YOUR site; I have attempted to flag all
site-specific details in DVILN03.TEX with the string SYSDEP, on, or near to, the
relevant line(s).  Ensure that you define the macros \sitename and \contact; all
queries at any site should be channelled through the latter individual, and if
he/she cannot resolve them, then I shall be delighted to (attempt to) help.

However, the real meat is in DVITOLN03.WEB; this is a WEB version of a DVI-to...
driver for the DEC LN03/LN03-Plus laser printers.  This program has been revised
to V4.0 and is now capable or reading EITHER packed or expanded raster files,
virtual fonts, missing fonts (!), landscape/portrait orientation (mixed on one
page, even!).  It also supports the DEClaser~2100 and~2200 (otherwise known as
the LN05 and LN06).

Packed (.nnnPK) files are used in preference to .PXL files (if both are
available), and are sought in directory given by the /PK_FONT_DIRECTORY
qualifier; the .CLD file provided specifies this as TEX_PK:.  PXL files are
sought in the directory given by the /PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY qualifier, and, at
RMCS, are kept in separate subdirectories of TEX_PXL_ROOT:, which is a concealed
device specified as the value for this qualifier.  Details are given in the user
guide, including rearranging the allocation of font files to different directory
structures.  The program no longer looks in TEX$FONTS: for .TFM files, but
instead in whatever is defined as the default for the /TFM_DIRECTORY qualifier;
this allows TeX administrators to abandon use of logical names with dollars in
them, as recommended by Digital.

This implementation of DVItoLN03 has the following advantages over certain other
DVItoLN03 programs (these are not in order of importance; the new features are
at the end of the list):

   i) It IS written in WEB, as opposed to C and other such kludgy languages.
  ii) It downloads to the LN03's font memory the rasters for only those
      characters actually used in the document.  As such, it does not run out
      of font memory just because you've used a few characters from each of a
      large number of different fonts.
 iii) It HAS a capacity for SIMPLE graphics inclusions.  These have to be in a
      format the LN03 understands (DEC sixels), and are copied verbatim into
      the output file generated.
  iv) It works in landscape and portrait orientations.
   v) It makes use of the ``proper'' VAX/VMS DCL interface for commands.
  vi) It CAN print glyphs whose rasters are too large to be downloaded to the
      LN03 as a font file (by performing a sixel graphics dump of the bitmap);
      obviously this slows things down considerably!
 vii) It CAN handle the invisible fonts used by SliTeX; each such character is
      actually downloaded as a null character locator, ans is imaged by the
      appropriate amount of whitespace.
viii) Either packed or unpacked font files (or both) may be provided in either 
      flat or rooted directory structures; if logical names are used to specify
      these locations (as in the .CLD file provided), the files may be spread
      over a number of different directories or volumes. 
  ix) The error messages are improved over earlier versions of the program, and
      are now all indexed in the woven (WEAVEd?) WEB.  They are also all listed
      in the users' manual.
   x) The program can now handle fonts with more then 128 characters, up to
      TeX's limit of 256.  Therefore, it can now process documents which use
      Silvio Levy's Greek fonts.
  xi) Retention of the log (.TYP) file may now be forced, suppressed, or allowed
      to be determined by the success of the processing.
 xii) Minor revisions and corrections have been made, in particular, it now
      correctly understands the physical limitations to the imaging area.
xiii) Correct some log reports; report files read (except font files); provide
      the /OUTPUT qualifier, to permit utilization of a scratch directory or
      direct spooling to the output device.
 xiv) Support for Flavio Rose \special commands, for drawing changebars, was
      added by Robin Fairbairns at Laser Scan of Cambridge, UK.
  xv) TeX Font Metrics (TFM files) are no longer sought in the hard-wired
      directory TEX$FONTS:, but are instead controlled through the
      /TFM_DIRECTORY qualifier.
 xvi) Support for Virtual Fonts; the .VF files are sought in whatever is
      specified as the value of the /VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY qualifier; users can
      speed processing fractionally by specifying /NOVIRTUAL_DIRECTORY if it is
      known that no virtual fonts are used in the document.  If virtual fonts
      are never used at your site, make this the default.
xvii) Fonts for which the program cannot find any rasters no longer cause the
      processing to be abandoned; solid rules of appropriate dimensions are
      subsituted for each missing glyph.
xviii)Landscape and portrait mode material may be mixed within a document, and
      even on a single page, through \special{landscape} and \special{portrait}.
      However, some suitable style option still needs to be written to make this
      feature useful.
 xix) Qualifiers /LEFT_MARGIN and /TOP_MARGIN now take a dimension (eg 1in)
      rather than being required to be entered in pixels; the additional
      <physical unit> called PX (pixel) has been added to TeX's normal set.
  xx) Support for the new DEClaser 2100 and 2200 printers has been provided by
      Karsten Nyblad of the Danish Telecomms Research Lab.  Users can select the
      paper source tray, separately for the first and subsequent sheets, and
      also the printing mode (simplex or duplex).  There is even a duplex mode
      for the ordinary LN03 (no, it doesn't really print two-sided) which, by
      interspersing blank sheets at appropriate points, produces a single-sided
      master suitable for photocopying directly to a double-sided document.
 xxi) Last, but definitely not least, the program has been speeded up, in both
      the font mapping and the imaging phases, so that overall it runs
      approximately 25% faster than V3.1-4.

The program assumes that the LN03 has sufficient font memory --- for most
meaningful documents you will need at least one RAM cartidge (part number
LN03X-CR); the program WILL work with just the RAM in the basic printer, but you
will probably have to restrict yourself to printing documents 3--4 pages at a
time: very messy!  Not having one personally, I don't know what memory
requirements apply to the new DEClaser printers.

Known deficiencies: none (I hope).

Possible future work:
        Make the program accept binary files (DVI, TFM and fonts) that are not
	in the default organization used by TeXware under VMS (512-byte fixed-
	length records).  This would make importing such files from other
	operating systems, such as Unix or MS-DOS, easier, since at present such
	files have to be padded out to some multiple of 512 bytes, and moreover
	with some appropriate characters, which differs from file to file.
        Any other suggestions???

If anyone is experiencing difficulty in installing DVItoLN03, they are welcome
to contact the author ---

   B Hamilton Kelly
   Royal Military College of Science
   UK     SN6 8LA

Swindon (++44 793) 785252 [Direct line]

or via JANET:	tex@uk.ac.cranfield.rmcs
    INTERNET:   tex%uk.ac.cranfield.rmcs@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
      Bitnet:   tex@rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk

                        Good Luck!

                            Brian HAMILTON KELLY