\ProvidesPackage{awesomebox}[2019/07/27 v0.6]

% Awesome Box has been written by Étienne Deparis and is released under
% the WTFPL (http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/).
% A copy of this license is distributed in this package.
% Contributors:
% v0.2: Vincent Goulet https://github.com/vigou3
% v0.3: Gilbert Fuerer https://github.com/foreachthing
% * Remove xelatex/luatex requirement and add pdflatex compatibility
% v0.4: Marcel Krüger https://github.com/zauguin
% * Fontawesome5 compatibility
% Gilbert Fuerer
% * Custom vertical rule color
% v0.5: Georger Araújo https://github.com/georgerbr
% * Horizontal rules at top and bottom, title
% v0.6: Vincent Goulet https://github.com/vigou3
% * Improving table cell rendering

% https://ctan.org/pkg/fontawesome5

% Compatibility with old version of this package

% https://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor
% Some basic colors

% Customizable length



% To allow for more than one optional argument

% Horizontal rule definitions used with second optional argument [hrule]

% The following commands are used to adjust and restore awesome boxes
% content width in respect to the current environment (e.g. lists).

% Commands API
% \awesomebox[vrulecolor][hrule][title]{vrulewidth}{icon}{iconcolor}{content}
\NewDocumentCommand \awesomebox { O{abvrulecolor} O{} o m m m +m }{%
  {\vskip \aweboxvskip}\noindent\awesomeboxadjustcontentwidth%
    p{\aweboxleftmargin}@{}!{\color{#1}\vrule width #4}%
    \IfValueTF {#3}
      { & #3 \\ #2 \raisebox{\aweboxsignraise}{\textcolor{#6}{\Huge#5}} & #7 \\ #2}
      {         #2 \raisebox{\aweboxsignraise}{\textcolor{#6}{\Huge#5}} & #7 \\ #2}
  \end{tabular}{\vskip \aweboxvskip}\awesomeboxrestorecontentwidth}






% Environments API
% \begin{awesomeblock}[vrulecolor][hrule][title]{vrulewidth}{icon}{iconcolor}
%   content
% \end{awesomeblock}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{awesomeblock}{ O{abvrulecolor} O{} o m m m }
{{\vskip \aweboxvskip}\noindent\awesomeboxadjustcontentwidth%
    p{\aweboxleftmargin}@{}!{\color{#1}\vrule width #4}%
    \IfValueTF {#3}
      { & #3 \\ #2 \raisebox{\aweboxsignraise}{\textcolor{#6}{\Huge#5}} &}
      {         #2 \raisebox{\aweboxsignraise}{\textcolor{#6}{\Huge#5}} &}}
{\\ #2 \end{tabular}{\vskip \aweboxvskip}\awesomeboxrestorecontentwidth}






  \typeout{Line width: \the\linewidth}%
  \typeout{Reference line width: \the\aweboxlinewidthref\space(text width: \the\textwidth)}%
  \typeout{Width difference: \the\aweboxlinewidthvar}%
  \typeout{Margin width: \the\aweboxleftmargin}%
  \typeout{Content width: \the\aweboxcontentwidth}%
