[typo in original post: in the first two-line section of code, the
beginning of the second line should have read "23" but instead had
Date: 07 Jul 1993 16:11:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: Michael Downes <MJD@MATH.AMS.ORG>
Subject: Around the Bend #10
To: info-tex@shsu.edu
X-ListName: TeX-Related Network Discussion List <INFO-TeX@SHSU.edu>

\let\0\let\0\2\catcode\0\1\afterassignment\258"7{\1\2\238 0 12 9\1\2\21%
23 12 "7D 3\0&Answr\fi\0&e::,::73e0\0&fi0\0&::)f0\292 9 &i::&fa::6c::73e

*** Exercise 10 (hard):
(a) Obfuscated TeX code puzzle. Decipher the purpose of the lines above
and below.

(b) Why colon?
Send answers to: mjd@math.ams.org (Internet)

9\2125"3\2"25::2710\2127 4\0\8\global\232"C\1\7\292'14::5cb::67r::6fu::0
::5a::30::2d::39::5c::22::7b::25::26: ::l::i::2f::27::7d::3b::20::20::20