% This is macro package used by OpTeX, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex

\_codedecl \tikzpicture {TikZ for OpTeX <2023-03-04>}

   This package is \OpTeX/'s compatibility layer for PGF/TikZ. When users do
   `\load[tikz]` they expect `tikz.tex` to be loaded, but this file gets loaded
   instead. It does load `tikz.tex`, but also does fixups.

   We want to change some definitions in `pgfutil-plain.def` and
   `pgfsys-luatex.def`. We need to do that in right times, so we manually
   emulate some files from PGF to ensure we do things in the correct order.

%  pgf.tex
%    pgfrcs.tex
%      pgfutil-common.tex
%        pgfutil-common-lists.tex
%      pgfutil-plain.tex
%      pgfrcs.code.tex
%    pgfcore.tex
%      pgfsys.tex
%        pgfsrcs.tex
%        pgfsys.code.tex
%          driver
%      pgfcore.code.tex
%  pgffor.tex
%    pgfrcs.tex
%    pgfkeys.code.tex
%    pgffor.code.tex
%  tikz.code.tex

\input pgfutil-common.tex

   We load macros from `pgfutil-plain.def` because they are most
   similar to macros we actually need. But there are several differences.
   We don't want to load the output routine hack realized by
   `\input atbegshi.sty\relax \AtBeginShipout{...}` in `pgfutil-plain.def`.
   This is the reason why we re-define `\input` temporarily.

\_input pgfutil-plain.def

   More changes should be done for macros loaded from `pgfutil-plain.def`.
   These changes follows.

% Writing to auxiliary files, customized


% Driver detection, customized


% Font stuff, \_typosize to fixed sizes used, math fonts are scaled too



   PGF's `\pgfutil@everybye` hooks into `\end`, but normally \OpTeX/ uses the
   prefixed `\_end`. Here we make it hook into `\_byehook` which should
   hopefully be preserved by all \OpTeX/ macro writers.


   Make PGF/TikZ use our PDF resource management. Our functions expect split
   key and value.

\_def\.kvsplitA#1/#2 #3\_end{{#2}{#3}}


\_input pgfrcs.code.tex
\_input pgfcore.tex
\_input pgffor.tex
\_input tikz.code.tex

   More changes should be done for macros loaded from `pgfsys-luatex.def`.
   These changes follows.

   There is a general disagreement about the use/meaning of `\hoffset` and
   `\voffset` -- \LaTeX/, the \LaTeX/ `crop`
   package\fnote{\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/crop}}, TikZ, and \OpTeX/ all
   try to use the values differently. Unfortunately this means a broken
   behaviour observed by end users in

   The problem at hand is that PGF nowadays sets the page origin to include
   `\hoffset` and `\voffset`. We instead set it to the origin (i.e. the point
   $(0, 0)$).




   I decide to keep \OpTeX's `\foreach` outside the Tikz environment.
   The Tikz's `\foreach` is activated only inside its environment.
   If you want to use Tikz's `\foreach` outside too then you can say

\addto \tikz@startup@env {\let\foreach=\pgffor@foreach}
\_let\.foreach=\pgffor@foreach  % \_pgf_foreach is \pgffor@foreach
\_let\foreach=\_optexforeach    % \foreach is OpTeX's \foreach


% don't worry about resetting catcodes - we are at the end of \opinput'ed file

2023-03-04  \_tikz_foreach used during \usetikzlibrary (bug fix).
2022-03-18  Tikz's \foreach only in its environment.
2022-03-05  resources management re-implemented.
2021-07-15  released