% This is GFtoDVI.CHGCMS in text format, as of jul 11, 1986 % (change file for IBM CMS PASCAL/VS, created by B.SCHULZE, Univ. Bonn) % % %line numbers correspond to version 1.7 of GFtoDVI (of may 5, 1986) % %line 59 % %module x @x @d banner=='This is GFtoDVI, Version 1.7' {printed when the program starts} @y @d banner=='This is GFtoDVI, CMS Version 1.7' {printed when the program starts} @z % %line 72 % %module x @x @d othercases == others: {default for cases not listed explicitly} @y @d othercases == otherwise {default for cases not listed explicitly} @d term_in == INTERM {terminal input} @d term_out == OUTTERM {terminal output} @z % %line 88 % %module x @x @d print(#)==write(#) @d print_ln(#)==write_ln(#) @d print_nl(#)==begin write_ln; write(#); @y @d print(#)==write(term_out,#) @d print_ln(#)==write_ln(term_out,#) @d print_nl(#)==begin write_ln(term_out); write(term_out,#); @z % %line 99 % %module x @x var @!i,@!j,@!m,@!n:integer; {loop indices for initializations} begin print_ln(banner);@/ @<Set initial values@>@/ @y var @!i,@!j,@!k,@!m,@!n:integer; {loop indices for initializations} begin @= termin@>(term_in); @= termout@>(term_out); print_ln(banner);@/ @<Set initial values@>@/ @z % %line 120 % %module x @x @!file_name_size=50; {a file name shouldn't be longer than this} @!font_mem_size=1000; {space for font metric data} @!dvi_buf_size=800; {size of the output buffer; must be a multiple of 8} @y @!file_name_size=20; {a file name shouldn't be longer than this} @!font_mem_size=1000; {space for font metric data} @!dvi_buf_size=4096; {size of the output buffer; must be a multiple of 8} @!dvi_blck_size=2048; @!max_gf_size=4096; @!max_tfm_size=4096; @z % %line 219 % %module x @x @d last_text_char=127 {ordinal number of the largest element of |text_char|} @y @d last_text_char=255 {ordinal number of the largest element of |text_char|} @z % %line 222 % %module x @x @!text_file=packed file of text_char; @y @!text_file=text; @z % %line 356 % %module x @x @d update_terminal == break(output) {empty the terminal output buffer} @y @d update_terminal == @z % %line 360 % %module x @x @!term_in:text_file; {the terminal, considered as an input file} @y @!term_in:text_file; {the terminal, considered as an input file} @!term_out:text_file; {the terminal, considered as an output file} @z % %line 366 % %module x @x @p procedure input_ln; {inputs a line from the terminal} begin update_terminal; reset(term_in); if eoln(term_in) then read_ln(term_in); line_length:=0; while (line_length<terminal_line_length)and not eoln(term_in) do begin buffer[line_length]:=xord[term_in^]; incr(line_length); get(term_in); end; end; @y @p procedure input_ln; {inputs a line from the terminal} var k:0..terminal_line_length; il: string(terminal_line_length); begin update_terminal; read_ln(term_in,il); k:=0; while (k<@=length@>(il)) do begin buffer(.k.):=xord(.il(.k+1.).); incr(k); end; buffer[k]:=" "; end; @z % %line 1512 % %module x @x @!eight_bits=0..255; {unsigned one-byte quantity} @y @!eight_bits=packed 0..255; {unsigned one-byte quantity} @!type_dvi_blck=packed array(.1..dvi_blck_size.) of eight_bits; @z % %line 1522 % %module x @x @!gf_file:byte_file; {the character data we are reading} @!dvi_file:byte_file; {the typesetting instructions we are writing} @!tfm_file:byte_file; {a font metric file} @y @!gf_file:text; @!dvi_file:file of type_dvi_blck; @!tfm_file:text; @!dvi_block:type_dvi_blck; {file to write: fixed} @!gf_rec:string(max_gf_size); {file to read: varying} @!tfm_rec:string(max_tfm_size); {file to read: varying} @!gf_count:integer; {current position in gf record} @!gf_length:integer; {length of current gf record} @!tfm_count:integer; {current position in tfm record} @!tfm_length:integer; {length of current tfm record} @!eof_gf_file:boolean; @!eof_tfm_file:boolean; @z % %line 1534 % %module x @x @p procedure open_gf_file; {prepares to read packed bytes in |gf_file|} begin reset(gf_file,name_of_file); cur_loc:=0; end; @# procedure open_tfm_file; {prepares to read packed bytes in |tfm_file|} begin reset(tfm_file,name_of_file); end; @# procedure open_dvi_file; {prepares to write packed bytes in |dvi_file|} begin rewrite(dvi_file,name_of_file); end; @y @d ccat==@=||@> @p procedure open_gf_file; {prepares to read packed bytes in |gf_file|} begin gf_count:=max_gf_size + 1; gf_length:=0; eof_gf_file:= false; reset(gf_file); cur_loc:=0; end; @# procedure open_tfm_file; {prepares to read packed bytes in |tfm_file|} begin tfm_count:=max_tfm_size + 1; tfm_length:=0; eof_tfm_file:= false; reset(tfm_file,'NAME='||trim(str(name_of_file))); end; @# procedure open_dvi_file; {prepares to write packed bytes in |dvi_file|} begin rewrite(dvi_file); end; @z % %line 1570 % %module x @x begin read(tfm_file,b0); read(tfm_file,b1); read(tfm_file,b2); read(tfm_file,b3); @y works only if tfm rec size multiple of 4 begin if tfm_count > tfm_length then begin read(tfm_file,tfm_rec); tfm_length:=@= length@>(tfm_rec); tfm_count:=1; end; b0:=ord(tfm_rec(.tfm_count.)); b1:=ord(tfm_rec(.tfm_count+1.)); b2:=ord(tfm_rec(.tfm_count+2.)); b3:=ord(tfm_rec(.tfm_count+3.)); tfm_count:=tfm_count+4; eof_tfm_file:=(eof(tfm_file) & (tfm_count > tfm_length)); @z % %line 1580 % %module x @x @p function get_byte:integer; {returns the next byte, unsigned} var b:eight_bits; begin if eof(gf_file) then get_byte:=0 else begin read(gf_file,b); incr(cur_loc); get_byte:=b; end; end; @# function get_two_bytes:integer; {returns the next two bytes, unsigned} var a,@!b:eight_bits; begin read(gf_file,a); read(gf_file,b); cur_loc:=cur_loc+2; get_two_bytes:=a*256+b; end; @# function get_three_bytes:integer; {returns the next three bytes, unsigned} var a,@!b,@!c:eight_bits; begin read(gf_file,a); read(gf_file,b); read(gf_file,c); cur_loc:=cur_loc+3; get_three_bytes:=(a*256+b)*256+c; end; @# function signed_quad:integer; {returns the next four bytes, signed} var a,@!b,@!c,@!d:eight_bits; begin read(gf_file,a); read(gf_file,b); read(gf_file,c); read(gf_file,d); cur_loc:=cur_loc+4; if a<128 then signed_quad:=((a*256+b)*256+c)*256+d else signed_quad:=(((a-256)*256+b)*256+c)*256+d; end; @y @p procedure get_gf(var bb: eight_bits); {gets next byte from gf file} begin if gf_count > gf_length then begin read(gf_file,gf_rec); gf_length:=@= length@>(gf_rec); gf_count:=1; end; bb := ord(gf_rec(.gf_count.)); incr(gf_count); incr(cur_loc); eof_gf_file:=(eof(gf_file) & (gf_count > gf_length)); end; @# function get_byte:integer; {returns the next byte, unsigned} var b:eight_bits; begin get_gf(b); get_byte:=b; end; @# function get_two_bytes:integer; {returns the next two bytes, unsigned} var a,@!b:eight_bits; begin get_gf(a); get_gf(b); get_two_bytes:=a*256+b; end; @# function get_three_bytes:integer; {returns the next three bytes, unsigned} var a,@!b,@!c:eight_bits; begin get_gf(a); get_gf(b); get_gf(c); get_three_bytes:=(a*256+b)*256+c; end; @# function signed_quad:integer; {returns the next four bytes, signed} var a,@!b,@!c,@!d:eight_bits; begin get_gf(a); get_gf(b); get_gf(c); get_gf(d); if a<128 then signed_quad:=((a*256+b)*256+c)*256+d else signed_quad:=(((a-256)*256+b)*256+c)*256+d; end; @z % %line 1627 % %module x @x @d qi(#)==#+min_quarterword {to put an |eight_bits| item into a quarterword} @d qo(#)==#-min_quarterword {to take an |eight_bits| item out of a quarterword} @y @d qi(#)==# {to put an |eight_bits| item into a quarterword} @d qo(#)==# {to take an |eight_bits| item out of a quarterword} @z % %line 2284 % %module x @x l:=9; init_str9("T")("e")("X")("f")("o")("n")("t")("s")(":")(home_font_area);@/ @y l:=2; init_str2(".")("*")(home_font_area);@/ @z % %line 2297 % %module x @x begin if c=" " then more_name:=false else begin if (c=">")or(c=":") then begin area_delimiter:=pool_ptr; ext_delimiter:=0; end else if (c=".")and(ext_delimiter=0) then ext_delimiter:=pool_ptr; str_room(1); append_char(c); {contribute |c| to the current string} more_name:=true; end; end; @y var ret:boolean; begin if c=" " then ret:=false else begin ret:=true; if (c=".")then if ext_delimiter=0 then ext_delimiter:=pool_ptr else if area_delimiter=0 then area_delimiter:=pool_ptr else ret:=false; if ret then begin {contribute |c| to the current string} str_room(1); append_char(c); end; end; more_name:=ret; end; @z % %line 2311 % %module x @x if area_delimiter=0 then cur_area:=null_string else begin cur_area:=str_ptr; incr(str_ptr); str_start[str_ptr]:=area_delimiter+1; end; if ext_delimiter=0 then begin cur_ext:=null_string; cur_name:=make_string; end else begin cur_name:=str_ptr; incr(str_ptr); str_start[str_ptr]:=ext_delimiter; cur_ext:=make_string; end; end; @y if ext_delimiter=0 then begin cur_area:=null_string; cur_ext:=null_string; cur_name:=make_string; end else begin cur_name:=str_ptr; incr(str_ptr); str_start[str_ptr]:=ext_delimiter+1; if area_delimiter=0 then begin cur_area:=null_string; cur_ext:=make_string; end else begin cur_ext:=str_ptr; incr(str_ptr); str_start[str_ptr]:=area_delimiter; cur_area:=make_string; end; end; end; @z % %line 2341 % %module x @x for j:=str_start[a] to str_start[a+1]-1 do append_to_name(str_pool[j]); for j:=str_start[n] to str_start[n+1]-1 do append_to_name(str_pool[j]); for j:=str_start[e] to str_start[e+1]-1 do append_to_name(str_pool[j]); @y for j:=str_start[n] to str_start[n+1]-1 do append_to_name(str_pool[j]); for j:=str_start[e] to str_start[e+1]-1 do append_to_name(str_pool[j]); for j:=str_start[a] to str_start[a+1]-1 do append_to_name(str_pool[j]); @z % %line 2357 % %module x @x @ The |start_gf| procedure prompts the user for the name of the generic font file to be input. It opens the file, making sure that some input is present; then it opens the output file. Although this routine is system-independent, it should probably be modified to take the file name from the command line (without an initial prompt), on systems that permit such things. @p procedure start_gf; label found,done; begin loop@+begin print_nl('GF file name: '); input_ln; @.GF file name@> buf_ptr:=0; buffer[line_length]:="?"; while buffer[buf_ptr]=" " do incr(buf_ptr); if buf_ptr<line_length then begin @<Scan the file name in the buffer@>; if cur_ext=null_string then cur_ext:=gf_ext; pack_file_name(cur_name,cur_area,cur_ext); open_gf_file; if not eof(gf_file) then goto found; print_nl('Oops... I can''t find file '); print(name_of_file); @.Oops...@> @.I can't find...@> end; end; found:job_name:=cur_name; pack_file_name(job_name,null_string,dvi_ext); open_dvi_file; end; @ @<Scan the file name in the buffer@>= if buffer[line_length-1]="/" then begin interaction:=true; decr(line_length); end; begin_name; loop@+ begin if buf_ptr=line_length then goto done; if not more_name(buffer[buf_ptr]) then goto done; incr(buf_ptr); end; done:end_name @y @ I don't see the slightest reason why the user should be prompted for the name of the file to be processed. @p procedure start_gf; begin open_gf_file; if eof(gf_file) then bad_gf('Oops... I can''t find gf file '); @.Oops...@> @.I can't find...@> open_dvi_file; end; @z % %line 2474 % %module x @x @ Some systems may find it more efficient to make |dvi_buf| a |packed| array, since output of four bytes at once may be facilitated. @^system dependencies@> @y @ We play a trick with variant records so that we can fill up the |dvi_buf| array byte by byte, but write it out in one swell foop. @^system dependencies@> @d dvi_buf==d_buffer.b {buffer for \.{DVI} output} @z % %line 2479 % %module x @x @!dvi_buf:array[dvi_index] of eight_bits; {buffer for \.{DVI} output} @y @!d_buffer: packed record case boolean of false:(b:packed array [dvi_index] of eight_bits); true: (l:type_dvi_blck; r:type_dvi_blck); end; @z % %line 2493 % %module x @x @ The actual output of |dvi_buf[a..b]| to |dvi_file| is performed by calling |write_dvi(a,b)|. It is safe to assume that |a| and |b+1| will both be multiples of 4 when |write_dvi(a,b)| is called; therefore it is possible on many machines to use efficient methods to pack four bytes per word and to output an array of words with one system call. @^system dependencies@> @p procedure write_dvi(@!a,@!b:dvi_index); var k:dvi_index; begin for k:=a to b do write(dvi_file,dvi_buf[k]); end; @y @ The actual output of |dvi_buf[a..b]| to |dvi_file| is performed by calling |write| on the other variant of the |dvi_buf| record. @^system dependencies@> @z % %line 2514 % %module x @x begin write_dvi(0,half_buf-1); dvi_limit:=half_buf; @y begin write(dvi_file,d_buffer.l); dvi_limit:=half_buf; @z % %line 2517 % %module x @x else begin write_dvi(half_buf,dvi_buf_size-1); dvi_limit:=dvi_buf_size; @y else begin write(dvi_file,d_buffer.r); dvi_limit:=dvi_buf_size; @z % %line 2525 % %module x @x if dvi_limit=half_buf then write_dvi(half_buf,dvi_buf_size-1); if dvi_ptr>0 then write_dvi(0,dvi_ptr-1) @y if dvi_limit=half_buf then write(dvi_file,d_buffer.r); for k:=dvi_ptr to dvi_buf_size do dvi_buf[k]:=223; {bug is |k| ok?} if dvi_ptr>0 then write(dvi_file,d_buffer.l); if dvi_ptr>half_buf then write(dvi_file,d_buffer.r); @z % %line 3579 % %module x @x @!b:array[0..4095] of 0..120; {largest existing character for a given pattern} @!r:array[0..4095] of 1..4096; {the ``ruler function''} @y @!b:array(.0..4095.) of packed 0..120; {largest existing character for a given pattern} @!r:array(.0..4095.) of packed 1..4096; {the ``ruler function''} @z % %line 3625 % %module x @x @!a:array[0..widest_row] of 0..4095; {bit patterns for twelve rows} @y @!a:array(.0..widest_row.) of packed 0..4095; {bit patterns for twelve rows} @z % %line 4146 % %module x @x @p begin initialize; {get all variables initialized} @<Initialize the strings@>; start_gf; {open the input and output files} @<Process the preamble@>; cur_gf:=get_byte; init_str_ptr:=str_ptr; loop@+ begin @<Initialize variables for the next character@>; while (cur_gf>=xxx1)and(cur_gf<=no_op) do @<Process a no-op command@>; if cur_gf=post then @<Finish the \.{DVI} file and |goto final_end|@>; if cur_gf<>boc then if cur_gf<>boc1 then abort('Missing boc!'); @.Missing boc@> @<Process a character@>; cur_gf:=get_byte; str_ptr:=init_str_ptr; pool_ptr:=str_start[str_ptr]; end; final_end:end. @y @p procedure second_init; var @!m:integer; begin @<Initialize the strings@>;@/ start_gf; {open the input and output files} @<Process the preamble@>; cur_gf:=get_byte; init_str_ptr:=str_ptr; end; procedure process; var @!k:integer; begin @<Process a character@>; end; begin initialize; {get all variables initialized} second_init; loop@+ begin @<Initialize variables for the next character@>; while (cur_gf>=xxx1)and(cur_gf<=no_op) do @<Process a no-op command@>; if cur_gf=post then @<Finish the \.{DVI} file and |goto final_end|@>; if cur_gf<>boc then if cur_gf<>boc1 then abort('Missing boc!'); @.Missing boc@> process; cur_gf:=get_byte; str_ptr:=init_str_ptr; pool_ptr:=str_start[str_ptr]; end; final_end:end. @z