# SQL,  PL/SQL language definition file
# Author: Andre Simon
#   Mail: andre.simon1@gmx.de
#   Date: 5.6.2002
#   Date: 6.12.2007 updated mssql keywords
# ------------------------------------------
# This file is part of highlight, a free source code converter released under the GPL.
# The file is used to describe keywords and special symbols of programming languages.
# See README in the highlight directory for details.
# New definition files for future releases of highlight are always appreciated ;)
# ----------
# andre.simon1@gmx.de
# http:/www.andre-simon.de/


$KEYWORDS(kwa)= add  except  percent
all  exec  plan
alter  execute  precision
and  exists  primary
any  exit  print
as  fetch  proc
asc  file  procedure
authorization  fillfactor  public
backup  for  raiserror
begin  foreign  read
between  freetext  readtext
break  freetexttable  reconfigure
browse  from  references
bulk  full  replication
by  function  restore
cascade  goto  restrict
case  grant  return
check  group  revoke
checkpoint  having  right
close  holdlock  rollback
clustered  identity  rowcount
coalesce  identity_insert  rowguidcol
collate  identitycol  rule
column  if  save
commit  in  schema
compute  index  select
constraint  inner  session_user
contains  insert  set
containstable  intersect  setuser
continue  into  shutdown
convert  is  some
create  join  statistics
cross  key  system_user
current  kill  table
current_date  left  textsize
current_time  like  then
current_timestamp  lineno  to
current_user  load  top
cursor  national  tran
database  nocheck  transaction
dbcc  nonclustered  trigger
deallocate  not  truncate
declare  null  tsequal
default  nullif  union
delete  of  unique
deny  off  update
desc  offsets  updatetext
disk  on  use
distinct  open  user
distributed  opendatasource  values
double  openquery  varying
drop  openrowset  view
dummy  openxml  waitfor
dump  option  when
else  or  where
end  order  while
errlvl  outer  with
escape  over  writetext

$KEYWORDS(kwb)= boolean char character date float integer long mlslabel number raw rowid varchar varchar2 varray







$SYMBOLS= ( ) [ ] { } , ; : & | < > !  = / * %  + -