
M.F. Reid January 10, 1993. 

Here I list all the additions to the menus. The key-bindings are
not shown here, but are automatically on the menus. 

Many of the commands use a file, stored in %l-file-path

File MENU               FILE            MACRO
  Insert File...        none            s-insert-file
  Backup and Save       none            backup-save

Edit MENU               FILE            MACRO
  Insert Date           none            insert-date
    To Clipboard        none            clip-region

Spell MENU              FILE            MACRO
  Buffer                %spell-exec     spell-buffer

TeX MENU                FILE            MACRO

LaTeX Input             

  Templates             LTEMP.LH        l-template

  Headings              HEADINGS.LH     l-heading

  Environments          ENVIRON.LH      l-env-pair

  Math Environments     none            dollar-b, double-dollar-b,
                                        slash-round-b, slash-square-b

  Brackets              none            curly-b, slash-curly-b, round-b,
                                        square-b, angle-b, vert-b, quote-b

    Accents             TACCENTS.LH     l-taccents
    Special Symbols     TSPECIAL.LH     l-tspecial
    Foreign Symbols     TFOREIGN.LH     l-tforeign

    Super/Subscript     none            superscript-b, subscript-b
    Variable Brackets   none            sizable-curly-b, sizable-round-b,
                                        sizable-square-b, sizable-angle-b,
                                        sizable-vert-b, sizable-d-vert-b
    Accents             MACCENTS.LH     l-maccents
    Greek               GREEK.LH        l-greek
    Binary Operators    MBINOPS.LH      l-mbinops
    Relation Symbols    MREL.LH         l-mrel
    Arrow Symbols       MARROW.LH       l-marrow
    Miscellaneous       MMISC.LH        l-mmisc
    Loglike             MLOGLIKE.LH     l-mloglike
    Delimiters          MDELIM.LH       l-mdelim
    Variable Symbols    MVARSYM.LH      l-mvarsym
    Over/Under Line     MLINE.LH        l-mline

  Miscellaneous         MISC.LH         l-misc    
BibTeX Input
  Templates             BTEMP.LH        b-template  
  Clean BibItem         none            clean-bibitem
  Clean BibFile         none            clean-bibfile
  Sort  BibFile         none            sort-bibfile
  LaTeX                 %l-latex        run-latex
  TeX                   %l-tex          run-tex
  View                  %l-view         view-latex
  DVI to PostScript     %l-dvi2ps       dvi2ps-latex
  PostScript Preview    %l-psview       psview-latex
  Print                 %l-print        print-latex
  BibTeX                %l-bibtex       run-bibtex
  MakeIndex             %l-makeindex    run-makeindex
  Clear Filename        none            clear-latex-file     
  Read Logfile          none            l-display-log
  Next Error            none            l-find-error
  LaTeX Commands        LATEX.HLP       latex-help
  Search LaTeX Commands LATEX.HLP       search-latex-help
  Character Set         CHARSET.DVI     view-charset
  TeX Information       TEXINFO.LH      tex-info
  MicroEMACS Interface  INTERFAC.HLP    interface-help
  MicroEMACS Installation MEWLATEX.TXT  installation-help