{ TREE AND LIST OPERATIONS - VERSION CVF01A RANDALL VENHOLA JUNE 30, 1987 DOCUMENTED IN MODULEAREA:TREEOPS.TEX } [INHERIT('SCREENHANDLERS','ARGOPS','UTILITYOPS'), environment('treeandlistops')] MODULE TREEANDLISTOPS; { list and tree operations - requires the external declarations for data structures ARGUMENT - the item of the list COMPARISONS - possible results of comparisons SETOFCOMPARISONS - set of above ordinal type the package is to be copied to the area of the source code and recompiled. It expects to find the environment file for the above data structures and at least the following routines : function compareargs( leftarg, rightarg : argument ) : comparisons; function argtexindex( arg : argument ) : integer; } CONST nulllist = NIL; nulltree = NIL; TYPE arglist = ^listnode; argtree = ^treenode; treenode = record parentnode : argtree; contents : arglist end; listnode = record field : argument; next : arglist; subtree : argtree end; [GLOBAL] FUNCTION nextinlist( list : arglist ) : arglist; begin if list = nulllist then errorexit('nextinlist','empty list') else nextinlist := list^.next end; [GLOBAL] FUNCTION firstarg( list : arglist ) : argument; begin if list = nulllist then errorexit('firstlistpointer','empty list') else firstarg := list^.field end; [GLOBAL] FUNCTION arglistlength( list : arglist ) : integer; begin if list = nulllist then arglistlength := 0 else arglistlength := arglistlength(nextinlist(list)) + 1 end; [GLOBAL] FUNCTION leadingnodesubtree( list : arglist ) : argtree; begin if list = nulllist then errorexit('listsubtree','empty list') else leadingnodesubtree := list^.subtree end; [GLOBAL] FUNCTION listofargsattree( tree : argtree ) : arglist; begin if tree = nulltree then errorexit('listofargsattree','empty tree') else listofargsattree := tree^.contents end; [GLOBAL] FUNCTION treeisroot( tree : argtree ) : boolean; begin if tree = nulltree then treeisroot := TRUE else treeisroot := tree^.parentnode = nulltree end; [GLOBAL] FUNCTION parenttree( tree : argtree ) : argtree; begin if treeisroot( tree ) then errorexit('parenttree','tree is root') else parenttree := tree^.parentnode end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE insertarginsortedlist( var list : arglist; arg : argument; var pointertoarg : arglist ); type scanstates = (searching, atfrontoflist, positionfound, endoflist); var state : scanstates; p, prevp, newp : arglist; comp : comparisons; procedure allocatenewp; begin new( newp ); newp^.next := nulllist; newp^.subtree := nulltree; newp^.field := arg; pointertoarg := newp end; begin if list = nulllist then begin allocatenewp; list := newp end else begin p := list; comp := compareargs(arg, firstarg(list)); if (comp = lessthan) or (comp = equal) then state := atfrontoflist else begin state := searching; repeat prevp := p; p := nextinlist(p); if p = nulllist then state := endoflist else begin comp := compareargs(arg, firstarg(p)); if (comp = lessthan) or (comp = equal) then state := positionfound end until state <> searching end; if comp = equal then warningmessage('insertarginsortedlist','already in list') else case state of atfrontoflist : begin allocatenewp; newp^.next := list; list := newp end; positionfound : begin allocatenewp; newp^.next := p; prevp^.next := newp end; endoflist : begin allocatenewp; prevp^.next := newp end end {case} end {else} end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE appendargonlist( var list : arglist; arg : argument ); var p, prevp, newp : arglist; begin if list = nulllist then begin new( newp ); newp^.subtree := nulltree; newp^.field := arg; newp^.next := nulllist; list := newp end else begin p := list; repeat prevp := p; p := nextinlist(p) until p = nulllist; new( newp ); newp^.subtree := nulltree; newp^.field := arg; newp^.next := nulllist; prevp^.next := newp end end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE preceedargonlist( var list : arglist; arg : argument ); var newl : arglist; begin new(newl); newl^.subtree := nulltree; newl^.field := arg; newl^.next := list; list := newl end; [GLOBAL] FUNCTION listcopy( list: arglist ) : arglist; var l : arglist; procedure prec( list : arglist ); begin if list = nulllist then l := nulllist else begin prec( nextinlist(l) ); preceedargonlist( l, firstarg(l)) end end; begin if list = nulllist then listcopy := nulllist else begin prec( list ); listcopy := l end end; [GLOBAL] FUNCTION reverseoflist( list: arglist ) : arglist; var l : arglist; procedure app( list : arglist ); begin if list = nulllist then l := nulllist else begin app( nextinlist(l) ); appendargonlist( l, firstarg(l)) end end; begin if list = nulllist then reverseoflist := nulllist else begin app( list ); reverseoflist := l end end; [GLOBAL] FUNCTION leadingnodehassubtree( list : arglist ) : boolean; begin if list = nulllist then leadingnodehassubtree := false else leadingnodehassubtree := list^.subtree <> nulltree end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE findarginsortedlist( list : arglist; arg : argument; var found : boolean; var pointertoarg : arglist ); type searchstates = (searching, positionfound, foundlessthanlocation, endoflist); var p : arglist; state : searchstates; currentarg : argument; comp : comparisons; begin found := false; if list <> nulllist then begin p := list; state:= searching; repeat currentarg := firstarg(p); comp := compareargs(arg, currentarg); case comp of notvalid : errorexit('findarginsortedlist','invalid-comparison'); lessthan : state := foundlessthanlocation; equal : begin state := positionfound; pointertoarg := p; found := true end; greaterthan : nullstatement end; {case} if not found then begin p := nextinlist(p); if p = nulllist then state := endoflist end until state <> searching end end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE findarginlist( list : arglist; arg : argument; var found : boolean; var pointertoarg : arglist ); var p : arglist; compare : comparisons; begin found := false; if list <> nulllist then begin p := list; repeat compare := compareargs( arg, firstarg(p) ); if compare = equal then begin found := true; pointertoarg := p end else p := nextinlist(p) until (p = nulllist) or (found) end end; [GLOBAL] FUNCTION nargsattreenode( tree : argtree ) : integer; begin if tree = nulltree then nargsattreenode := 0 else nargsattreenode := arglistlength( tree^.contents ) end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE insertlistintotree( list : arglist; var tree : argtree); procedure subinsert( list : arglist; var tree : argtree; parentpointer : arglist ); label routineexit; var newtree : argtree; found : boolean; arg : argument; pointertoarg : arglist; begin if list = nulllist then goto routineexit; arg := firstarg(list); if tree = nulltree then begin new( newtree ); newtree^.contents := nulllist; appendargonlist(newtree^.contents, arg); if parentpointer = nulllist then newtree^.parentnode := nulltree else newtree^.parentnode := parentpointer^.subtree; subinsert(nextinlist(list), newtree^.contents^.subtree, newtree^.contents); if parentpointer = nulllist then tree := newtree else parentpointer^.subtree := newtree; goto routineexit end; findarginsortedlist( tree^.contents, arg, found, pointertoarg); if not found then insertarginsortedlist(tree^.contents, arg, pointertoarg); subinsert( nextinlist(list), pointertoarg^.subtree, pointertoarg); routineexit : nullstatement end; begin subinsert( list, tree, nulllist) end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE searchtreeforlist( tree : argtree; list : arglist; var found : boolean; var indexfound, depthfoundat : integer); procedure subsearch( tree : argtree; list : arglist ); label routineexit; var findsuccessful : boolean; arg: argument; pointertoarg : arglist; begin if tree = nulltree then goto routineexit; if list = nulllist then goto routineexit; arg := firstarg(list); depthfoundat := depthfoundat + 1; findarginsortedlist(listofargsattree(tree), arg, findsuccessful, pointertoarg); if findsuccessful then begin found := true; indexfound := argtexindex(firstarg(pointertoarg)); if leadingnodehassubtree(pointertoarg) then subsearch(leadingnodesubtree(pointertoarg), nextinlist(list)) end; routineexit : nullstatement end; begin {searchtree} found := false; indexfound := indexofunknowntexcommand; if list = nulllist then warningmessage('searchtree','given empty list') else subsearch(tree, list) end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE padwithnullarguments( var list : arglist; index : integer; requiredlength : integer ); var arg : argument; i, ntoappend : integer; begin initarg(arg, [nulltype], blank, index, TRUE); ntoappend := requiredlength - arglistlength(list); for i := 1 to ntoappend do appendargonlist(list, arg) end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE listtoarray(var list : arglist; index : integer; var arr : argarray; requiredlength :integer ); var l : arglist; i : integer; begin if requiredlength > maxargsinarray then errorexit('listtoarray','array size exceeded'); padwithnullarguments( list, index, requiredlength); l := list; for i := 1 to requiredlength do begin arr[i] := firstarg(l); l := nextinlist(l) end end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE dlist( var f : text; l : arglist ); const linelength = 75; var nchars : integer; procedure dl( l : arglist ); var s : pckstr; begin if l = nulllist then writeln(f) else begin s := argliteral(firstarg(l), true); if (length(s) + nchars + 1) > linelength then begin writeln(f); nchars := 0 end; nchars := nchars + length(s) + 1; write(f, s, blank); dl( nextinlist(l)) end end; begin nchars := 0; dl( l ) end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE dtree( var f : text; tree : argtree); procedure dt( name : pckstr; tree : argtree ); var l : arglist; s : pckstr; begin if tree <> nulltree then begin writeln(f); writeln(f,'**** "',name,'" NODE HAS ****'); l := listofargsattree(tree); dlist(f,l); writeln(f,'**** ',name,' *************'); while l <> nulllist do begin if leadingnodehassubtree(l) then begin s := argliteral(firstarg(l), true); dt(s, leadingnodesubtree(l)) end; l := nextinlist(l) end end end; begin dt('<ROOT>', tree) end; [HIDDEN] PROCEDURE texwritearg( var f : text; arg : argument); EXTERN; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE writeargarray( var f : text; arr : argarray ); var i : integer; begin for i := 1 to maxargsinarray do if argclass(arr[i]) <> [nulltype] then texwritearg(f, arr[i]) end; [GLOBAL] PROCEDURE makenullarray( var arr : argarray ); var templist : arglist; begin templist := nulllist; padwithnullarguments(templist, indexofunknowntexcommand, maxargsinarray); listtoarray( templist, indexofunknowntexcommand, arr, maxargsinarray) end; END.