Files in this directory have been stuffed using StuffIt Deluxe v. 3.0.1.
Once the file has been un-binhexed, double-click on the self-extracting
archive (.sea) file and select the 'TeX formats' folder as the target
destination on your hard drive for the resulting format file.

The format files in the 'formats' directory are:

AMS-LaTeX - AMS-LaTeX format for Textures 1.6. Built to support
AMS PostScript fonts from Blue Sky Research preloading the maximum number
of fonts.

French - I think this is plain TeX built with a french hyphenation file.
Please write a short note to if you know more.

LaTeX - LaTeX version 2.09 format for Textures 1.6. Contains sample macros

LaTeX-Times - LaTeX-Times format for Textures 1.6. Uses Times and
MathTime fonts with LaTeX version 2.09 and has sample macros menu

MT AMS-TeX - MT AMS-TeX format for Textures 1.6. Uses Times and MathTime
fonts with AMS-TeX 2.1.

MT AMS-TeXppt - MT AMS-TeXppt format for Textures 1.6. Uses Times and
MathTime fonts, and the AMS PostScript fonts from Blue Sky Research with
AMS-TeX 2.1 and AMSppt.sty 2.1b.

MT Plain - MT Plain format for Textures 1.6. Uses Times and MathTime
fonts with Plain TeX.

SliTeX - SliTeX format for Textures 1.6.

VirTeX - VirTeX format for Textures 1.6.

VirTeXFat - a VirTeX format for PowerPC Textures 1.7.x.
Use this to recompile your old 1.6 formats and make them speedy!